This school is permanently recognized & aided from govt. of haryana. It has a strength of 1600 students from I to XII & has all the four faculties of academics (humanities, commerce, Non-Med & Medical). It started in the year 1949. the speial features of the school are :-
- Five labs. (physics, chemistry, Bio, General Science & geographyLab)
- A big library containing 3000 books approximately
- Computer lab containing IBM Pentium IV having 10 systems.
- Fully A.C. conference room for 50 people capacity.
- Auditorium with 350 fixed chairs capacity.
- Music & craft room having all the musical instruments
- 30 k v silence generator set
- 40 big airy rooms having capacity to accommodate 60 students in each room.
- Arrangement for indoor games
- Common play ground for evening games
- Water coolers fitted with aqua guards.